Becky Smart was a beautiful, smart, crazy, lovable, funny, kind, compassionate, adorable..Alright, just think of any amazing adjective work and I am sure it would describe her!With that being stated of course living with her was awesome. She loved Johnny Depp, her cat, and playing pranks on us, she also had a great taste in music and movies, she played basketball a lot with Markell & Dani! Becky also attracted the guys I remember being jealous of how she was with guys all the time, it was probably because she would NEVER go anywhere without being completely ready! (Unlike myself I didn't get ready for many classes in college.) I absolutely love her! I only got a semester with her but I learned more from her than I think she ever knew!
A few memories of her, I remember her mom sent a package down for Halloween that had a clown in the box, Becky would hide it around the apartment and hang it from the ceiling, it was beyond creepy! I didn't know this but when she was little she hated clowns and her grandma made the clown, she still hated it so she would hide it for her mom to find and then her mom would hide it once she found it! I thought it was so interesting she was doing the same thing at our apartment. Becky graduated from Snow this year she had hid it once she got home and her mom has yet to find it at her funeral her mom said that Becky will get the last laugh! She had a contagious laugh and a gorgeous smile!
I remember having a late night craving for brownies so Becky, Cassey and me stayed up to make a pan and then eat them all, I remember talking with them about boys at school and the snow ball fight we recently had with some neighboring boys! I remember learning a lot about her that night and thinking to myself about how I was recently getting engaged and praying that my roommates would find someone that made them extremely happy just because Becky always made me so extremely happy!
We would make animal sounds to each other & joke about each others wedding night, I don't know why that came along but it just did. I remember going on drives with all of us roommates for the Late Night Denny Runs, I remember wondering how Becky always was so skinny because that girl could totally pack in a lot of food! I was always jealous of how cool her name was mainly because of her license plate was "B SMART" I mean that is freaking awesome, tells you how easily entertained I was!
Becky was little when her father passed away from Colon cancer, I don't remember her talking much about him; but a few months ago she started asking her siblings and mom about how her dad was and memories of him almost as if she was forgetting about who he was and was trying to remember him. It's safe to say she is now with him! I think that was the most calming thing of the shock of her death was knowing she woke up not only with Heavenly Father but with her dad as well!
Becky had the cutest boyfriend, I never met him but I was looking forward to when I would see she was engaged because they were one of those couples that you love to watch. Cody was with her the night she died, he wrote on his facebook: "I sent an angel to bed with a smile on her face. She woke up in her fathers arms. I'll never be the same and will miss her like crazy. I know you'll always be watching over me just like your dad has done for you. I love you Becky Smart!" Absolutely made me love him, he had some amazing stories of her and how they had decided on wedding colors and were going to look for a ring the weekend she died, instead he picked everything out for her funeral and did it in the colors they picked!
He shared how one Sunday he wanted to skip church to go rock climbing and was trying to get Becky to go with him and she told him no! She gave him approval to go with a friend, after church they were sitting down and he was telling her about rock climbing and he could tell she was upset & he said why are you mad at me you gave me permission! She responded; "Cody I want to know if you are going to be the type of guy who will put his Priesthood responsibilities aside for your own hobby's and joys, because if you are I will not marry you!" I absolutely loved hearing that, it reminded me of Elaine S. Dalton's talk this past General Conference... "Not only did she know who she was, she knew WHOSE she was!"
Becky was a Daughter of God and she didn't ever falter on her choices and wasn't going to take anything less than what she knew she deserved! I loved learning more about someone who I loved!
To end the funeral her cute boyfriend/fiance Cody drove her to the final resting place in the back of his truck! I thought it was so cute and heart warming! I absolutely love everything that he was to Becky! I am sure Becky has told her dad everything about Cody & even though I don't know him I am sure he approves of Cody!
Another little thing about her, the family got approval 6 days after she died to go to the Draper Temple and do her Endowments! I loved knowing she was completely where she needed to be and in the most perfect state, as hard as it was to hear she had passed on, I was so comforted that she was where she needs to be & I can't wait to embrace her tight "Becky hug's"... no one I have ever met gives a hug like she did! I love you Becky, thanks for teaching me so much about life & being the example you were to everyone around you!
Lucky for me I have a picture to cherish of hugging Becky.. sadly it was the day I moved out of the apartment and one of the last times I saw her but luckily I will never forget her impact on me! :) LOVE YOU BECK!
Maggie Nelson

Love these stories about Becky!! Thanks so much Maggie! That was a great year at Snow :)