In our Senior year of high school, we decided to play powder puff football for the second year in a row! After goofing around and "practicing" the game day came. It was a cold night and everyone was bundled up. Becky and I got the rough end of the stick and each year were put on the defensive side of our team. Whatever, it was probably because we hardly knew anything about football! Maybe it was because we would giggle our butts off when it wasn't appropriate as well... whoops!
We were Seniors and were determined to beat the Juniors fair and square. One play of the game (Other's might have to help me recall this) the juniors QB threw the ball straight into the crowd of screaming girls. Before I knew what was really going on I could hear the crowd and our coaches yelling in delight. As I turned I remember seeing two things. One: Becky had caught the ball in the confusion of the game. Two: Becky had absolutely NO idea what to do. She finally caught on once girls were trying to tackle her. She got maybe 12 feet tops and was down. She was so proud of herself! We all were too! We won hands down. We didn't even have to cheat.
Kaitie Brady

There is a picture in the year book of the interception. It was awesome! So proud :)